Forrest Pirovano - Cape Cod Paintings

I can paint your pet!

Forrest can create an image of your pet that will be treasured by everyone in your family.

Here is how it works:
Email or send photos of your pet to Forrest and indicate size painting you would like.

Payment in full due with your order:
Either mail check payable to Forrest Pirovano, PO Box 1011, Mashpee, MA 02649.
OR pay online via credit card or PayPal using the form below.

Select frame color: Gold Silver

10½ x 12½ framed size
original oil painting

Price includes plein-aire
wooden gold leaf or silver frame,
and shipping.

13¼ x 15¼ framed size
original oil painting

Price includes plein-aire
wooden gold leaf or silver frame,
and shipping.

16½ x 19½ framed size
original oil painting

Price includes plein-aire
wooden gold leaf or silver frame,
and shipping.

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